Repo for Pkl’s documentation website.
The Pkl HTML highlighter is written in Rust.
For now, this project’s build configuration requires cargo
to be installed on the local system.
$ ./gradlew pklHtmlHighlighter npmInstall
Takes upstream project docs from local Git repos assumed to be siblings of this repo (see site-local.yml).
Builds the site (click the link printed in console output to open in browser).
This allows you to preview local doc changes made to upstream projects.
$ ./gradlew buildLocalSite # shorthand: gw bLS
Validates HTML
Checks for dangling links
$ ./gradlew validateLocalSite # shorthand: gw vLS
Fetches upstream project docs from their GitHub repos (see site-remote.yml).
Builds the site (click the link printed in console output to open in browser).
This is what CI runs.
$ ./gradlew buildRemoteSite # shorthand: gw bRS
To run this task locally, you must have token-based access for setup,