A collection of component for Blazor:
- FormSubmitButton
- InputTextOnInput
- Tabs
- MessageBox (alert, confirm)
- Modal
The library use Bootstrap 5 for Styles and JavaScript.
dotnet add package Dottor.Blazor.UI --version 0.0.1-alpha
Add the following to _Imports.razor
@using Dottor.Blazor.UI
@using Dottor.Blazor.UI.Services
Add the following to the MainLayout.razor or App.razor
<MessageBox />
Add the following to the relevant sections of Program.cs
using Dottor.Blazor.UI
All of the sample code can be found in the samples
<TabPanel Title="Tab 1">
<h2>Titolo tab 1</h2>
<p>Descrizione tab 1</p>
<TabPanel Title="Tab 2">
<h2>Titolo tab 2</h2>
<p>Descrizione tab 2</p>
<TabPanel Title="Tab 3">
<h2>Titolo tab 3</h2>
<p>Descrizione tab 3</p>
<EditForm Model="this" OnValidSubmit="Save">
<DataAnnotationsValidator />