Certainly! Here's an example of how you can write a README markdown file for your movie recommendation system:
This is a movie recommendation system based on content similarity using the TfidfVectorizer and linear_kernel from the scikit-learn library. The system uses movie overviews to calculate the similarity between movies and provides recommendations based on that similarity.
Make sure you have the following dependencies installed:
- pandas
- scikit-learn
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
Download the dataset files
. -
Install the required dependencies using the following command:
pip install pandas scikit-learn
Open the Python script and import the necessary libraries:
import pandas as pd from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel
Load the movie dataset and credit dataset into pandas DataFrames:
df_movies = pd.read_csv('tmdb_5000_movies.csv') df_credits = pd.read_csv('tmdb_5000_credits.csv')
Preprocess the data by filling any missing values in the "overview" column:
df_movies['overview'] = df_movies['overview'].fillna('')
Create a TF-IDF matrix using the movie overviews:
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english') tfidf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform(df_movies['overview'])
Compute the cosine similarity matrix:
cosine_sim = linear_kernel(tfidf_matrix)
Build a mapping of movie titles to their corresponding indices in the DataFrame:
indices = pd.Series(df_movies.index, index=df_movies['original_title']).drop_duplicates()
Define a function to get movie recommendations based on a given movie title:
def get_recommendations(movie_title, input_cosine_sim=cosine_sim): ind = indices[movie_title] sim_score = enumerate(cosine_sim[ind]) sim_score = sorted(sim_score, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sim_score = sim_score[1:11] sim_index = [i[0] for i in sim_score] print(df_movies["original_title"].iloc[sim_index])
Finally, call the
function with a movie title to get recommendations:get_recommendations(movie_title='Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice')
This movie recommendation system uses content similarity to provide recommendations based on movie overviews. By calculating the cosine similarity between movies, the system identifies similar movies and suggests a list of recommendations. Feel free to explore and modify the code to suit your needs!
For more information on the functions and classes used in this system, refer to the documentation of the respective libraries: