Simple VS Code minifier and compressor for most common file types (See full list below). You will love its simplicity!
You can minify the file and replace all the content with the new minified text, or you can preserve the original document and get the minified text in another document! Also, you can simply minify your selected text, and you can preserve your license comments with the tags @preserve and @endpreserve.
MinifyAll is also able to compress files and folders simply by right-clicking them on the menu.
Go to the extension settings and make it as you want, enable or disable: minify on save, languages, hexadecimal shortener, messages, and much more.
For more information check our: GitHub repository, VisualStudio Marketplace or OpenVSX registry.
Also check the brand new MinifyAll online webpage π or the MinifyAllCli/package.
Do you want to help us improve the extension or did you find a bug? Let us know.
Check our CHANGELOG.
Currently looking for active contributors to maintain and keep the project alive.
We support up to 14 languages/file extensions!
- Open the Command Palette of VS Code with Ctrl+P or βP
- And type:β‘οΈ
ext install josee9988.minifyall
Minify this document β‘
Minify this document and preserve the original β
Minify the selected text π―
We recommend using them with: "left click" on the document and then select the option you want, either the file in the menu or the opened file. ;)
- The two commands available. First, directly minifies the actual document and replaces the original code with the modified one, the second keeps the original document and creates a file with the modified text:
- Preserve your licence comments with the tags @preserve (at the very top) and @endpreserve
- The first and default command that replaces the actual code with the minified one:
- The second command that saves the minified text to another file and preserves the original text:
- Minify only your selected text!
- Also, minify when right-clicking on the code!
- Minify when right-clicking on a file of the menu without opening it!
- Compress when right-clicking on a file or folder of the menu.
- HTML in a PHP file
- JavaScript With: Terser
- JavaScriptReact With: Terser
Click to see more info about the configuration settings
(Remember to restart VS Code after modifying any configuration)
- If you want MinifyAll to stop shortening colours, such as RGB to 3-digit hex, RGBA to hex, or 6-digit hex to 3-digit hex. If you enable it, you might see some loss in colour accuracy
"MinifyAll.disableHexadecimalShortener": true|false //default 'true' (by default, it is disabled)
- Disables warning and information messages
"MinifyAll.disableMessages": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is allowed)
- Disables context menu when right-clicking in your code.
"MinifyAll.disableCodeContextMenu": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is shown)
- Disables context menu when right-clicking in the file explorer.
"MinifyAll.disableFileExplorerContextMenu": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is shown)
- Minify on save (Default command, which will minify your actual code)
"MinifyAll.minifyOnSave": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is disabled)
- Minify on save (Second command, which will minify your actual code into a new file)
"MinifyAll.minifyOnSaveToNewFile": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is disabled)
- Prefix the new minified file from the command that minifies to another doc.
"MinifyAll.PrefixOfNewMinifiedFiles": '-min'|'.min'|'-minified'|'.minified' //default '-min'
- If you want MinifyAll to open the new minified document after you minify. (False for not opening it whenever you create a minified file).
"MinifyAll.openMinifiedDocument": true|false //default 'true'
- Terser minify options, this setting will allow you to fully customize your Terser behaviour. For more info, please check terser's minify options.
"MinifyAll.terserMinifyOptions": { "mangle": true, "compress": { "drop_console": true, "dead_code": false, "keep_fnames": false, "keep_classnames": false } } // for more information please visit
- Disables HTML minimization
"MinifyAll.disableHtml": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables TWIG minimization
"MinifyAll.disableTwig": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables PHP minimization
"MinifyAll.disablePhp": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables CSS minimization
"MinifyAll.disableCss": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables SCSS minimization
"MinifyAll.disableScss": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables LESS minimization
"MinifyAll.disableLess": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables SASS minimization
"MinifyAll.disableSass": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables JSON minimization
"MinifyAll.disableJson": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables JSONC minimization
"MinifyAll.disableJsonc": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables JavaScript minimization //default 'true' (by default, it is disabled because it is not on a stable version yet)
"MinifyAll.disableJavascript": true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables JavaScriptReact minimization //default 'true' (by default, it is disabled because it is not on a stable version yet)
"MinifyAll.disableJavascriptReact": true|false //default 'true' (by default, it is enabled)
- Disables XML minimization //default 'false'
"MinifyAll.disableXml": true|false //default 'false'
Click to see an example of how the extension minifies CSS
.myClass {
background-color: rgba(12, 12, 12, 0.8);
background-color: rgb(12, 12, 12);
background-color: #FAFAFA;
/*other comment*/
content: url("");
margin-right: 0px;
}/* my comment
- RGBA is formatted to hexadecimal.
- RGB is formatted to a 3-digit hexadecimal value.
- 6-digit hexadecimal values are formatted to 3-digit hexadecimal values.
- There are no spaces.
- There is only one line.
- Multiline comments removed.
- URL '//' is not detected as a comment and can be perfectly placed.
- From 0px to 0
Click to see an example of how the extension minifies JSON
"contributes": {
"commands": [{
"title": "Minify this document β‘",
"color": "#FAFAFA", // comments
}/* multiline comment
{"contributes":{"commands":[{"title":"Minify this document β‘"},{"color":"#FFF"}]}}
- Only one line.
- No unnecessary spaces.
- 6 Digit hex to 3 digit hex.
- No single-line comments.
- No multiline comments.
- Removed trailing comma before '}'.
Click to see an example of how the extension minifies JavaScript
"use strict";
const {
} = require('vscode');
const FileSaver = require('fs')
const StringWithComments = "// not a comment /*" //this is my comment
if ((window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId == "css" && disableCss == false) || //myComment
(window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId == "scss" && disableScss == false)) {
const {
} = window.activeTextEditor;
switch (window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId) {
case "css":
multi-line comments
console.log("Love this minifier !!!")
"use strict";const{commands,window}=require('vscode');const FileSaver=require('fs')
const StringWithComments="// not a comment /*"
if((window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId=="css"&&disableCss==false)||(window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId=="scss"&&disableScss==false)){const{document}=window.activeTextEditor;switch(window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId){case"css":console.log("Love this minifier !!!")
break;default:break;}}let myString="hello//";myString.replace(/\/\//g,'');
- Only changes line if, at the end of a declaration or an import, that line does not end in ';' (So adding more ';' at the end of every line will help you minimize more your code).
- All irrelevant spaces removed.
- Spaces left are only within quotes (Strings) and variable declarations.
- If 'OR' and 'AND' are without spaces, the same as if condition or switch cases.
- All single line and multiline comments removed.
- Single line comments inside a String will not be removed. (hello//) (// not a comment).
- Multi-line comments inside a String will not be removed. (// not a comment /*).
- Regex expression with single-line comments will not be removed.
- No tabs.
Click to see an example of how the extension minifies HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="text/javascript' src=""></script>
<!-- test -->
<!-- ~~~~~β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦ B O
D Y β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦~~~~~ -->
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="es"><head><title></title><meta charset="utf-8"><link rel="stylesheet"href=""><script type="text/javascript"src=""></script></head><body></body></html>
- Only one line.
- Only the necessary spaces.
- No tabs.
- No single-line comments.
- No multiline comments.
β οΈ If the file you are trying to minify is not saved or is an Untitled default VS Code file might cause errors.β οΈ If you are doing a regex without escaping the '//' it might be deleted as it must be escaped (//).
Support the project and be the first donator β€οΈ
Check my VS Code Markdown and Changelog snippets π
Check my MinifyAll online webpage π
- Minify Code Automatically
- How I made my website 10x faster
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- 6 VS Code extensions you need to install now
- 8 VS Code common extensions (Chinese)
β οΈ Remember that this extension does not guarantee 100% effectiveness and may have some issue at some point. Use it at your own risk and always do backups of your code.β οΈ
Made with a lot of β€οΈβ€οΈ by @Josee9988