##Usage :
- just extend the model class :
the of table will be identified automatically you can customise it of course using:
class Post extends Model
###CRUD operationsprotected $table = "posts"
- just create a connection using PDO only and pass it to the constructor
for Select :
You can specify the columns by passing their names in array
for insert just use :
$post->create(['title' => "I'm title!"])
and it will return the passed data. for update You can use :
/* new Data here*
'title' => 'id'
// Where conditions here
usage of where conditions here by createing an array contains alot of array (conditions):
1. passing the column name and value
2. passing an operator if not the equal
3. passing a link operator (AND,OR)
'column' => 'user_id',
'operator' => '<'
'value' => 44,
'link_oprator' => 'and'
'column' => 'name',
'value' => 'abbas'
and it will return the new data has been updated.
for delete:
just use delete method and you can pass where conditions like the example in update
php $post->delete( [ 'column' => 'id', 'value' => 22 ] )
and it will return bool value