I wrote this article to test the intuitions I had about performance of multithreaded code, develop new intuitions, and learn some lower-level mechanism to make multithreaded code thread safe.
Nowadays, when the CPU speed (clock frequency) hardly gets better due to physical limits, the way to speed things up is to divide the job to be done into smaller tasks done in parallel in multiple threads on multiple cores. But most often doing things in parallel requires some form of coordination through shared memory, which actually makes things slower.
To show that, I played around with a simple requirement and implemented it in various ways.
The requirement is as follows: there's a single component with a list of strings, and each
time it is asked for a string, it returns one string from the list, but each string should
be returned an equal number of times. We can imagine that the list of strings is a pool of
some kind of resources, e.g. a pool of REST API URLs, which should be used equally to not
overload any of them. Let's call this component Balancer
and define its interface like
public interface Balancer {
String getNext();
An implementation of Balancer
will get a list of strings in its constructor, the list of
string won't be changing, but the getNext()
method will be accessed from multiple threads.
The simplest thread-safe implementation of this interface is to synchronize the whole
class SynchronizedMethodBalancer implements Balancer {
private final List<String> pool;
private int index = 0;
public SynchronizedMethodBalancer(List<String> pool) {
this.pool = copyOf(pool);
public synchronized String getNext() {
String item = pool.get(index++);
if (index > pool.size()-1) index = 0;
return item;
The index
field is a pointer to the next string to be returned by the balancer. It is
read and written by multiple threads, that's why access to it must be synchronized.
Actually we can implement a non-thread-safe balancer which still kind of works, but it
does not fulfill the requirements, as due to data races some updates to the index
variable will be overwritten by other threads which read the same value before it was
updated, and the balancing won't be equal, i.e. some strings from the pool will be
returned more often.
class NonThreadSafeBalancer implements Balancer {
private final List<String> pool;
private int index = 0;
public String getNext() {
int i = index; // copy to avoid IndexOutOfBoundsException due to data races
index = i + 1 < pool.size() ? i + 1 : 0;
return pool.get(i);
To have a full picture about multithreading performance, let's compare those implementations of the balancer with dummy implementations that avoid writting to shared memory. Of course without that they do not fulfill the requirements (do not balance the "recources"). The first dummy implementation always returns first string from the pool:
class DummyFirstStringBalancer implements Balancer {
private final List<String> pool;
public String getNext() {
return pool.get(0);
The second is an even dummier one, it always returns the same hardcoded string:
class DummyOneStringBalancer implements Balancer {
public String getNext() {
return "Hardcoded";
The measurements were performed using OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, 17.0.8+7 in Windows 10 Pro running on Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU with 6 cores. Here are the results (the values are in operations per microsecond, so the higher the value the better):
Well, judging by those results indeed using more threads gives more throughput, but only for the dummy implementations that do not fulfill the requirements. For them, the throughput scales almost linearly with the number of threads. This scaling ends with 6 threads. After that, even with more threads, the throughput stays the same. That's because there are 6 cores in my machine, so up to 6 threads may be executed in parallel. Any more threads and they will have to wait for their turn on the CPU.
This is visible when we instead of throughput we plot the average time it takes a single
invocation to complete, see below. Here the higher the value the worse, and
we see latency keeps steady up to around 6 threads, then it increases. For some kind
of applications it is undesirable to have high latency (even if throughput stays the
same), so more threads is not always a good thing.
Mind that the above observations are specific to CPU-intensive workloads, for IO-intensive workloads you may still benefit from using more threads than you have cores, but this is out of scope of this article.
As expected, the synchronized implementation is slowest, no surprise here. And there's no gain
by adding more threads - the throughput is the same as on one thread - which is kind of obvious
as still only one thread at a time can enter the critical sections guarded by synchronized
keyword. See zoom-in on the non-dummy implementations (and pay attention to the scale on y-axis):
Does it mean that that there's no point in using multiple threads (for CPU-bound problems)? Well no, it means that our measurements are wrong. The benchmark is not realistic. It continuously gets next string from the balancer, without doing anything useful with it. A real application won't behave like that. When it gets next string, it will do something with it without having to care what other threads do in the same time, i.e. it will use the string in a non-critical section which can be executed in parallel on multiple cores. So there will be benefit from multi-threading, we just need to measure it properly, but before we do that let's focus on something interesting.
The biggest surprise in the benchmark results is the slow down of non-thread-safe implementation, when going from one thread to two threads. On one thread it was as fast as the dummy implementations. One would expect that on two threads the throughput will raise, same as it have risen for the dummy implementations. In the end there's no critical section in the non-thread-safe implementation. But it's not the case, the throughput does not rise, it even does not stay the same, it gets worse!
Well, that's something that may be understood if we take a look under the cover, literally
speaking. I mean we need to see what sits in my 6-core processor. I think that the drastic slow-down
when going from 1 thread to 2 threads is caused by the cores having to invalidate the cache
line with the contented variable in their L1/L2 caches when another core has written changes
to the index
variable in its copy of this cache line.
If I get this right, here is what happens. My machine has 2.8 GHz clock, which means one
cycle takes 0.36 ns. As measured using JMH the average time that getNext()
takes when
executed in single thread is 2.2 ns, for both the dummy and the non-thread-safe implementation.
In 2.2 ns the clock ticks 6 times. Given that the microarchitecture
of my CPU has 14-19 pipeline stages, it means that it's able to go through around 100 machine
instructions if there are no pipeline stalls. The assembly printed
for compiled getNext()
method is 300-bytes long, and x86 instructions are 1-15 bytes
long, so it may be that there are around 100 machine instructions. Seems the numbers agree.
With two threads the dummy getNext()
implementation still takes 2.4 ns, because two cores
are working in parallel and the dummy implementation does not have a shared index
and it does not do writes to a shared variable. It uses the shared pool
variable (list of
strings), but this one is probably cached in L1 or even in CPU registers. So indeed there
is no reason for a slow down (worse throughput), i.e. no pipeline stalls of cache misses.
On the other hand, the non-thread-safe getNext()
implementation writes and reads shared
variable. Let's say that the first core updated this variable and store the change
to L1/L2 cache. At this point the MESI cache coherence protocol
marks the cache line containing this variable in second core's L1/L2 cache as invalid. When
second core stores its update of the variable, the store to L1/L2 cache takes longer, because
the cache has to read the fresh state of the cache line from the first core's L1/L2 cache.
Eventually this longer store time causes the write buffer to fill up, and the core's
pipeline to stall. With two threads the getNext()
takes 16 ns (14 ns more than with
one thread). This is around the order of magnitude of L2 latency,
which I assume is similar to cross-core L2 read in MESI protocol.
This way I re-discovered the Single Writer Principle.
Is there something better than synchronized
, that can get us throughput closer to
the non-thread-safe implementation? Let's use the goodies from java.util.concurrent
and see if they perform better. Here are the implementations I tested:
class ReentrantLockBalancer implements Balancer {
private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
private int index = 0;
public String getNext() {
int i;
try {
i = index++;
if (index > pool.size()-1) index = 0;
} finally {
return pool.get(i);
class SemaphoreBalancer implements Balancer {
private final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1);
private int index = 0;
public String getNext() {
int i;
try {
i = index++;
if (index > pool.size()-1) index = 0;
} finally {
return pool.get(i);
Results of the benchmark and comparison with non-thread-safe implementation:
None of the synchronized
alternatives perform better. Seems that the overhead of guarding
access to critical section is negligible to the time it takes to perform the work in
he critical section itself (even though there's not much happening there). In all those
implementations the critical section is executed by one core at a time, and this dominates
the throughput results.
- explore what makes those implementations slower than non-thread-safe, e.g. memory barriers, context switching
- especially in one thread case, biased locking would help (only for
or for all?), but why it's slow without that - show flamegraphs from async-profiler comparing those implementations
- add implementation with
to the benchmark - try implementation with self-made lock, for example Dekker's or Peterson's algorithm
Maybe we can get rid of critical section completely? Instead, optimistically assume that
no other thread is currently updating the index
shared variable, do our own update,
and commit it only if our assumption held true. This can be done using compare-and-swap
operation. Here are the implementations I tested:
class AtomicIntegerCASetBalancer implements Balancer {
private final AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
public String getNext() {
int readIndex;
for(;;) {
readIndex = index.get();
int nextIndex = readIndex + 1 < pool.size() ? readIndex + 1 : 0;
if (index.compareAndSet(readIndex, nextIndex)) break;
return pool.get(readIndex);
class AtomicIntegerLambdaBalancer implements Balancer {
private final AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
public String getNext() {
int i = index.getAndUpdate(currIndex -> currIndex + 1 < pool.size() ? currIndex + 1 : 0);
return pool.get(i);
Results of the benchmark and comparison with non-thread-safe implementation:
Those implementations perform even worse than the lock-based ones. Let's explore this.
Except the case of single thread, the lock-based implementations seem to perform better than the implementations based on atomic compare-and-set operation. Which is a bummer, as I thought that the whole purpose of using those lower-level mechanism in Java is performance.
My current theory that can explain this: Due to unrealistic use-case (see later in the article),
the usage of balancer's getNext()
is contented unusually high. This causes the busy
loop with CAS operations to be executed many times before it finally succeeds, and during
this time it occupies a core and uses CPU cycles. On the other hand the lock-based
implementations when contented, they do park the thread, allowing the core
to execute other threads without wasting CPU cycles while waiting.
Of course the benchmarked use case is far from being realistic. In real application the threads besides getting a resource from balancer will also use the resource in some way and this usage probably won't have to coordinate with other threads, and can be done fully parallel, allowing the throughput to increase with the number of threads.
Without that, the Amdahl's law gets in
the way. A significant proportion, probably even the major part of what the thread-safe
implementations of getNext()
do is basically serial, i.e. only one thread at a time
may write the value of the variable that is pointing to the next resource/string to
be returned.
- confirm my theory why CAS-based implementations are slower than lock-based
- explore how the locks are implemented under the hood, how to the park to release the core
- do some parking/waiting in busy loop failure, e.g.
- what bad this parking does to the application, higher and unpredictable latency?
Going back to the business requirement, it's worth asking how uniform the distribution of usage
of the resources must be. All the implementations that use some form of synchronization or
coordination make sure that each resource is used no more than one less or one more than any
other resource. But maybe it's enough if the usage differs no more than 1%. It would mean that
for 40000 usages of 4 resources, the difference should be no more than 100. And the simplest
and fastest NonThreadSafeBalancer
implementation satisfies this requirement:
got {A=12075, B=11962, C=12115, D=11848} from NonThreadSafeBalancer
got {A=12000, B=12000, C=12000, D=12000} from SynchronizedMethodBalancer
got {A=12000, B=12000, C=12000, D=12000} from SynchronizedBlockBalancer
got {A=12000, B=12000, C=12000, D=12000} from ReentrantLockBalancer
got {A=12000, B=12000, C=12000, D=12000} from SemaphoreBalancer
got {A=12000, B=12000, C=12000, D=12000} from AtomicIntegerCASetBalancer
got {A=12000, B=12000, C=12000, D=12000} from AtomicIntegerLambdaBalancer
got {A=12000, B=12000, C=12000, D=12000} from AtomicIntegerCAExchangeBalancer
The problem may be that it tends to use the same resource at about the same time if data race
happens. Then two threads use the same value of the index
variable which points to the resource
to be used next. I'll try another implementation that just randomly selects a resource. Over
a longer period of time the usage should be balanced, but it must be checked if this gives
a wider gap between subsequent usages of the same resource than the NonThreadSafeBalancer
Last but not least. If the necessity to have a balancer was indeed to balance requests to a set
of URLs, then the whole exercise to make the balancer as fast as possible simply is not worth
it. Compared to the time it takes to do an HTTP request-response round trip, the time it takes
to select the URL is negligible. A simple synchronized
keyword will be sufficient and fast
enough in such case.
Bunch of results from my micro-benchmarks are counter-intuitive, so far I've only documented them here, and I'll try to explain them later.
The difference between SynchronizedMethodBalancer
and SynchronizedBlockBalancer
is only
in what part of method is synchronized. In the later the part is smaller:
class SynchronizedMethodBalancer implements Balancer {
private final List<String> pool;
private int index = 0;
public synchronized String getNext() {
String item = pool.get(index++);
if (index > pool.size()-1) index = 0;
return item;
class SynchronizedBlockBalancer implements Balancer {
private final List<String> pool;
private int index = 0;
public String getNext() {
int i;
synchronized (this) {
i = index++;
if (index > pool.size()-1) index = 0;
return pool.get(i);
My intuition was that allowing the pool.get(idx)
to be executed in parallel by multiple
threads will speed things up a little. But microbenchmark shows that there's not significant
difference between the two. It's worth exploring further to explain why.
Same thing with AtomicIntegerBalancer
vs AtomicIntegerExchangeBalancer
. The latter was
supposed to do less memory access from to using the result of compareAndExchange()
of re-reading the values using separate get()
class AtomicIntegerBalancer implements Balancer {
private final List<String> pool;
private AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
public String getNext() {
int readIndex;
for(;;) {
readIndex = index.get();
int nextIndex = readIndex + 1 < pool.size() ? readIndex + 1 : 0;
if (index.compareAndSet(readIndex, nextIndex)) break;
return pool.get(readIndex);
class AtomicIntegerExchangeBalancer implements Balancer {
private final List<String> pool;
private AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
public String getNext() {
int readIndex = index.get(); // the get() is outside of loop, so executed only once
for(;;) {
int currIndex = readIndex;
int nextIndex = currIndex + 1 < pool.size() ? currIndex + 1 : 0;
readIndex = index.compareAndExchange(currIndex, nextIndex);
if (readIndex == currIndex) break;
return pool.get(readIndex);
Microbenchmark shows that both implementation perform about the same. Seems you should never trust your intuitions about performance - always do test.
- Do microbenchmark on Linux and on a different architecture (e.g. ARM), which does more reorderings.
- Analyse bytecode and compiled native code of each balancer implementation.
- Analyse flamegraphs from microbenchmarks executed with async-profiler.
- Do microbenchmarks with resources/strings array bigger than L1, L2, L3 caches.
- Do microbenchmark when there is some background noise, i.e. other threads that do other things (CPU-heavy and Memory-heavy), as this will be more realistic. An application won't solely get resources from the balancer without doing anything else.